ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
िטgargan left the Team
िטिαהŧѳмэ got removed from the Team by Creator िטgargan
िטedel got removed from the Team by Creator िטgargan
िט々 Λequo got removed from the Team by Creator िטgargan
Dany got removed from the Team by Creator िטgargan
िטNacre changed name to ...
िטedel gained the Admin status by Creator िטgargan
िטedel joined the Team
िטNacre received 4th Place in the Paragon Combo Cup #9
िטNacre received 13th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #106
Dany joined the Team
िט々 Λequo gained the Admin status by Admin 々िט々िαהŧѳैмэ
िט々 Λequo joined the Team
々िט々िαהŧѳैмэ gained the Admin status by Creator िטgargan