ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
K9 Kabz Creator
Savage! Goz'' Player
Remake Wiizzless Player
Hiros~ Player
liber Player
:( Player
.13! received 4th Place in the Elite Paragon Training #4
:( joined the Team
.13! received 2nd Place in the Elite Paragon Training #3
.13! received 4th Place in the Elite Paragon Training #3 fake
WIIZZLESS joined the Team
.13! received 3rd Place in the Paragon Speedball Spring 2021 #10
NotInSBL* Goz joined the Team
.13! received 5th Place in the Paragon Speedball Spring 2021 #9
Hir0s joined the Team
.13! changed name to .13!
EPS Liber joined the Team
.13! got registered by Astra kBz''