ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
[Unkwown] Creator
WAFG/SlyWaza Player
[TsT] 要素115 Player
[TsT]虎RastaViet Player
[TsT] Poleck Player
WAFG/SlyFoxx Player
nghmare Player
Helysio Z Player
TigerSpirit received 33rd Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #10
WAFG/SlyFoxx joined the Team
WAFG/SlyWaza joined the Team
nghmare joined the Team
helysioz joined the Team
TigerSpirit received 13th Place in the Paragon BattlePro Cup #1
[TsT] Poleck joined the Team
[TsT]虎RastaViet joined the Team
[TsT] 要素115 joined the Team
TigerSpirit got registered by [TsT]Imperfection