ParagonLeague Logo
Member Name (hover for ranks) Role Playing
????MadeInBeubeu???? reopZ Creator
eRoZ Player
iLOVEb00bZ Player
HJIN 〩 OPK ''' Player
Næ ZLk! Player
dizLown! PEPs/16/ left the Team
Kellogg's received 13th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #69
Furious ~ ZLk joined the Team
Kellogg's received 5th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #63
crossLINX changed name to Kellogg's
Nativ PEPs* joined the Team
OPK joined the Team
crossLINX received 13th Place in the Paragon Elite Cup #20
crossLINX OPK! joined the Team
crossLINX got registered by reopZ